가끔 Figure에 이미지 혹은 Plot 데이터를 서로 다른 Colormap 을이용하여 분석할때 유용한 Coloramp 사용 방법이다.
z=5*sin(x).*cos(y); ax1=subplot(2,2,1); mesh(x,y,z) colormap(ax1,parula) title('Default colormap(parula)') ax2=subplot(2,2,2); mesh(x,y,z) colormap(ax2,jet) title('Colormap(jet)') ax3=subplot(2,2,3); colormap(ax3,bone) mesh(x,y,z) title('Colormap(bone)') ax4=subplot(2,2,4); colormap(ax4,summer) mesh(x,y,z) title('Colormap(summer)')
figure; set(gcf,'color',[1 1 1]) % image, colormap JET subplot(3,2,1); imagesc(peaks); axis xy; colormap jet; title('imagesc, jet'); freezeColors %freeze colors of current plot colorbar; cbfreeze %how to freeze a colorbar % same image, using colormap HOT subplot(3,2,2); imagesc(peaks); axis xy; title('imagesc, hot'); colormap hot %now, changing the colormap affects ONLY the current axis! freezeColors colorbar; cbfreeze % surface subplot(3,2,3); surf(peaks); shading interp; colormap hsv; title('surf, hsv'); freezeColors; colorbar; cbfreeze % lighted surface, with hole showing nan transparency is preserved after freezing pnan = peaks; pnan(4:8,end-7:end-3) = nan; % make a small transparent patch subplot(3,2,4); surfl(pnan); shading interp; colormap hot; title('surfl with NaNs, hot'); freezeColors; colorbar; cbfreeze % scatter plot and bar plot subplot(3,2,5); scatter(randn(100,1),randn(100,1),rand(100,1)*100,rand(100,1),'filled'); title('scatter, cool'); colormap cool; axis(3*[-1 1 -1 1]); freezeColors; colorbar; cbfreeze subplot(3,2,6); bar(randn(4,3));xlim([0 5]);title('bar, copper'); colormap copper; freezeColors;
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